Lenovo has today launched three T series ThinkPad T14, T14s and T15 and two X series Thinkpad X13 and X13 laptops. Coming to the T series laptops, both the 14 and 15-inch models are available with Windows 10 Pro and powered by 10th Gen Intel Core vPro processors, or AMD Ryzen™ PRO 4000 Mobile processors.
The latest T series modelspack features like Modern Standby, Wake on Voice, Dolby Audio Speaker System and brighter displays with optional Dolby Vision. These laptops also pack WiFi 6 and optional CAT 16 WWAN, for high-speed connectivity.
Both X13 and X13 Yoga come in a smaller more portable package. These pack a FHD 500 nit display PrivacyAlert feature that helps protect users from over the shoulder glances. The X13 Yoga includes Dolby Audio Speaker System and an option for a vivid UHD OLED display with Dolby Vision.
ThinkPad X13 Yoga and X13 ships with 10th Gen Intel Core vPro processors. ThinkPad X13 is also available with AMD Ryzen™ PRO 4000 Mobile processors.
Lenovo ThinkPad T14, T14s, T15, X13 and X13 Yoga pricing & release dates:
ThinkPad T14 will be available from 2Q 2020, with an expected starting price of $849. ThinkPad T14s will be available from 2Q 2020, with an expected starting price of $ 1029. ThinkPad T15 will be available from 2Q 2020, with an expected starting price of $ 1079.
ThinkPad X13 will be available from 2Q 2020, with an expected starting price of $ 849. ThinkPad X13 Yoga will be available from 2Q 2020, with an expected starting price of $ 1099.